Myth 1: The consequences of poor oral health are limited to the mouth.
There are actually so many connections between the health status of your mouth and the health status of your body, it would boggle your mind. And for worse (or better), more are coming out each day. You really can’t afford to neglect daily home care and regular professional care if you want to be healthy. Read my book on the topic. (Free for the asking)
Myth 2: More sugar means more tooth decay.
It’s not the amount; it’s how often and how long sugar stays in your mouth. Sipping on a single soda all day is disastrous to your tooth enamel. Eating a 5 lb. chocolate bar in 10 minutes would have a negligible – if any – effect (on your teeth at least!).
Myth 3: Loosing baby teeth to tooth decay is okay.
Not only will you allow your child’s permanent teeth to become potentially damaged, early loss of the baby teeth presents major orthodontic problems.
Myth 4: Osteoporosis affects only the spine and the hips.
Osteoporosis can lead to tooth loss, and one area of the body that calcium is constantly needed for replenishing the bone are the jaws. Make sure you have plenty of Vitamin D and calcium in your diet, and if you’re female, make sure your estrogen is at an optimal level.
Myth 5: Dentures improves a person’s diet.
Wearing dentures decreases chewing ability by 50%, which means that most denture wearers opt for easier-to-eat foods, not the foods that are necessary for good nutrient absorption, fiber, and GI health, in the least.
Myth 6: Dental decay is only a young person’s problem.
It used to be … 50 years ago! The tooth decay rate for mature adults far surpasses that of younger people, primarily due to a lifetime of having dental restorations which are in various states of disrepair, taking medications which have a side effect of dry mouth (over 400 different medications do that), a declining immune system, and chronic diseases such as diabetes.