The Most Satisfying Dental Experience in Little Rock
Little Rock Dentist Dr. Deems and hygienist Tabitha on tips for a healthy mouth!

Little Rock Dentist Dr. Deems and hygienist Tabitha on tips for a healthy mouth!

Today I thought we’d do something different that could save you thousands of dollars and a lot of trouble!
Most folks believe that the way to stay dentally healthy is to brush and floss and get their teeth cleaned twice a year. Although that is partially true, its only a small part of the equation.
Nevetheless, we thought you’d benefit by hearing some tips and tricks from a professional dental hygienist about some things that you may not know or may not have heard up that will help you keep your mouth healthy.
As you may or may not know, the health of your gums has a lot to do with the health of the rest your body. If you haven’t gotten a copy of our free book, Secrets for Healthy Living – which is about that connection between the health of your mouth of the health of your body – just call us or come by and pick one up. We’d be happy for you to have one! We think that you’ll find it very, very helpful.