Researchers Studying Use Of DNA Nanotechnology To Restore Teeth

DrBicuspid  (4/2, Busch) reports, “Using ongoing bone regeneration research, University of Toronto’s Faculty of Dentistry researchers are studying whether DNA nanotechnology can restore teeth, possibly reducing the need for cavities to be filled, according to university news  published March 25.” Already, preliminary studies have “shown the potential of injecting DNA …

Study: Lidocaine May Kill Head, Neck Cancer Cells

DrBicuspid reports, “Lidocaine (the most common local anesthetic used for dental procedures) triggers specific bitter taste receptors in the mouth that may ultimately lead to the death of head and neck cancer (HNC) cells, according to a preclinical study recently published in Cell Reports.” The “increased expression of these bitter …

Researchers Examining New Treatment For Advanced Tooth Decay

Newsweek (12/4, Thomson) reports that “scientists are examining a new treatment for advanced tooth decay.” In a new study, researchers “found that molecules called resolvins regenerate tissue when applied to dental pulp.” The body naturally produces “Resolvin E1 (RvE1) and other resolvins,” and “the study found that when RvE1 was applied …

Study ties e-cig use in young teens to heavier smoking later

A study published in Tobacco Control found that e-cigarette use among early adolescent smokers may lead to a heightened risk of heavier tobacco cigarette use later in adolescence. Researchers also noted that among teens who began smoking before age 15, the odds of later adolescent smoking were significantly higher for …

EPA To Require Utilities To Remove PFAS From Drinking Water

The New York Times reports, “For the first time, the federal government will require utilities to remove from drinking water two toxic chemicals found in everything from waterproof clothing to dental floss and even toilet paper, the Environmental Protection Agency announced on Tuesday.” EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan “said the …

Certain Types Of Probiotic Bacteria May Help Address Bad Breath

NBC News reports, “An analysis of previous studies revealed that certain bacteria taken as supplements, including Lactobacillus salivarius and Lactobacillus reuteri, could help freshen breath.” The researchers examined data from seven studies to determine “whether probiotic bacteria might help manage bad breath.” They found the compounds that are associated with bad …

Researchers Say Alcohol Warning Labels Do Not Adequately Inform Consumers About Cancer Risk

The Washington Post (Blakemore) reports alcohol warning labels “haven’t been updated since the late 1980s,” and “now, researchers say they don’t adequately advertise alcohol consumption’s biggest potential health consequence: cancer, including breast cancer.” In a perspective piece published in “the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers warn that the labels are outdated …