Newsweek (12/4, Thomson) reports that “scientists are examining a new treatment for advanced tooth decay.” In a new study, researchers “found that molecules called resolvins regenerate tissue when applied to dental pulp.” The body naturally produces “Resolvin E1 (RvE1) and other resolvins,” and “the study found that when RvE1 was applied to different levels of infected and damaged pulp, it was very effective at regenerating the pulp when directly applied to it, so long as the pulp was still alive.” However, researchers “found that when the RvE1 was applied to extremely infected pulp, or dead pulp, it did not cause regeneration, but did help in slowing down the infection rate and lowered inflammation.” The findings were published in the Journal of Dental Research. Dimensions Of Dental Hygiene (12/5, Machado) also reports.