The Academy of General Dentistry said, “During the COVID-19 pandemic, dentists and their patients were in uncharted waters.” Many patients faced social isolation, health worries, and economic concerns. “Patients were also eating more of the wrong things, such as sugary, crunchy foods, or chewing on ice,” said Saul M. Pressner, DMD, FAGD, who practices in New York. The article added, “The uncertainty and loss of control led to stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact oral health.” In an American Dental Association survey, “59.3% of dentist respondents reported seeing an increase in bruxism, 55.9% saw an increase in chipped teeth, 56.6% saw an increase in cracked teeth, 52.5% saw an increase in TMD symptoms, and 35.8% saw an increase in dental caries during COVID-19.” The article outlined bruxism symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Additionally, Jeffrey W. Lineberry, DDS, FAGD, with the Carolina Center for Comprehensive Dentistry in North Carolina, highlighted the benefits of addressing the root causes of bruxism. “The most cost-efficient approach for bruxism is education. For instance, if a patient has a lot of stress and they manage the stress, that is best,” said Dr. Lineberry.