Little Rock AR Dentist – Gum disease, gingivitis … what’s the difference?

Oh, that little “pink in the sink” after we brush and floss. We’re so used to seeing it, it must be normal, right? Wrong! That “pink in the sink” is, of course, BLOOD, coming from infected gum tissues. The most common form of gum disease, gingivitis, is characterized by red, …

Antibiotic Prophylaxis Guidelines

Clinical guidelines are useful and generally beneficial for providing appropriate patient care, but they must be based on evidence. Only then can health care professionals evaluate and understand the rationale for implementing these approaches in a clinical setting. The global misuse of antibiotics has increased the incidence of microbial resistance to …

Heart Health

Much has been written – and will continue to be written – about the connection between heart health and oral health. A large literature review was recently completed looking at a summary of evidence supporting “causal criteria” relating gum disease with atherosclerotic disease, which includes heart disease and peripheral artery disease. …

The facts about antibiotic premedication before dental procedures

Over the years, there’s been much confusion, concern, and miscommunication about the reason for taking antibiotics before a dental procedure. For one, any dental patient with any heart condition was told in the past that antibiotics would be needed prior to any dental procedure. Of course, everyone felt this was …