Patients With MS At Increased Risk For Periodontal Disease, Caries

DrBicuspid  reports, “Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) are at greater risk of developing periodontal disease and caries due to difficulties they may have performing oral care and accessing a dentist, according to a clinical paper  published in the British Dental Journal.” Given “the degenerative nature of the disease, clinicians should …

Regenerative Dentistry: A fast and expanding aspect of dentistry

New knowledge on the cellular makeup and growth of teeth can expedite developments in regenerative dentistry — a biological therapy for damaged teeth — as well as the treatment of tooth sensitivity. The study, which was conducted by researchers at Karolinska Institute, is published in Nature Communications. Teeth develop through …

Healthy Eating Habits May Reduce Risk For Untreated Caries In Adults

The ADA News reports a study published in the February issue of The Journal of the American Dental Association found that “greater compliance with dietary guidelines may reduce the chance of untreated caries in adults.” The study examined “the associations between untreated coronal caries, decayed, missing and filled teeth, and …

Periodontitis Associated With Respiratory Disease Mortality In Older Patients

MDLinx reports that researchers found periodontitis is associated with total respiratory disease mortality in a retrospective cohort study involving “1,385 patients aged 75 years and above who had a radiographic examination in the largest dental hospital in Shanghai, China, between January 2010 and December 2014.” The findings were published in Experimental …