Dry Mouth and Gum Disease Among Dental Problems Adults Over 50 May Experience

With well over 400 medications having a side effect of dry mouth, the number of adults taking medications and suffering from dry mouth issues has risen dramatically over the past 10 years, but often goes unaddressed by dental and medical offices. The results can be disastrous and expensive! The Huffington …

NIH: Differences Between Those Who Floss And Those Who Don’t Can Be “Striking”

In its November newsletter, the National Institutes Of Health (11/1) states that although news stories have questioned the benefits of dental flossing due to lacking research, dentists have “seen the teeth and gums of people who floss regularly and those who haven’t,” and “the differences can be striking.” The article …

Researchers Developing Fillings That Help Teeth Regenerate

Newsweek reports scientists from the University of Nottingham and Harvard University are developing regenerative dental fillings that “allow teeth to heal themselves,” which could ultimately make some root canals unnecessary. The treatment works by “stimulating stem cells to encourage the growth of dentin—the bony material that makes up the majority …

Consulting With Dentist Prior To Any Tooth Whitening Regimen Advised

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution stated that although “tea, red wine, and blueberries” may provide health benefits, they may also contribute to teeth changing color. The article noted that several options for whitening teeth are available, adding that even for mild stains, “it’s a good idea to check with your dentist before …