The Most Satisfying Dental Experience in Little Rock
Little Rock AR Dentist – Same day, same appointment crowns and more!

Little Rock AR Dentist – Same day, same appointment crowns and more!

Less than 5% of dentists use a type of technology called “CAD-CAM” dentistry in their office today, although that number will be growing steadily in the coming years.

Why would YOU want to know about this great technology? To put it bluntly, “it changes everything”!

You can now complete your treatment in nearly all situations in one appointment – that means less time away from work, no wearing of temporary restorations, faster service, and much more.

Early CAD-CAM (computer-aided-designed – computer-aided-machined) dental restorations have actually been around quite a while relatively speaking, but the technology was in its infancy. I used to joke that dentists who used this new technology were doing me a favor, since the early use of the technology had many problems, and a lot of the dentists ended up just displaying the technology in their office but never really used it. Patients were unhappy with the results, so they left the dentist’s office (unfortunately) and some came to me for their care. I like to be on the forefront of technological advances, but not “the first”, for reasons like that!

The E4D Restorative System is what I use, and it’s performance has been nothing short of phenomenal! It’s not necessarily a reason to switch dentists, but if you ask patients who have received the technology, they would suggest to you otherwise …

Here’s more for you to see: