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Health Bites Blog

Worldwide Diabetes Cases Projected To Hit 1.3 Billion In Next 30 Years, Researchers Estimate

HealthDay reported, “Diabetes is skyrocketing, with more than 500 million people of all ages living with the disease today and the number of cases worldwide projected to hit 1.3 billion in the next 30 years,” according to findings published online in The Lancet. What’s more, “96% of diabetes cases are …

Study ties e-cig use in young teens to heavier smoking later

A study published in Tobacco Control found that e-cigarette use among early adolescent smokers may lead to a heightened risk of heavier tobacco cigarette use later in adolescence. Researchers also noted that among teens who began smoking before age 15, the odds of later adolescent smoking were significantly higher for …

Healthful plant-based diet reduces chronic disease and mortality risks

Eating a healthful plant-based diet, which consists of minimal animal products and processed plant-based foods like refined grains and sugary drinks, has been linked to reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer, Type 2 diabetes and mortality, according to research involving 126,394 adults published in JAMA Network Open. An unhealthful plant-based …

Social Media Video Falsely Claims Topical Fluoride Causes Dementia, Alzheimer’s

The AP reports a social media video “is cautioning users against going to dentists while baselessly asserting that dental products containing fluoride are unsafe.” In the video shared on Instagram, a man says, “They don’t know that fluoride is a neurotoxin that’s been directly linked to dementia and Alzheimer’s.” The article …

EPA To Require Utilities To Remove PFAS From Drinking Water

The New York Times reports, “For the first time, the federal government will require utilities to remove from drinking water two toxic chemicals found in everything from waterproof clothing to dental floss and even toilet paper, the Environmental Protection Agency announced on Tuesday.” EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan “said the …

Inflammation In The Body May Trigger Or Exacerbate Depression In Brains Of Some Patients, Data Indicate

The Washington Post  reported, “Inflammation in the body may be triggering or exacerbating depression in the brains of some patients,” with clinical data suggesting that “targeting and treating the inflammation may be a way to provide more-precise care.” According to the Post, “It appears that inflammatory agents in the blood …

Many Young Children In US Not Eating Fruits, Vegetables Daily But Are Regularly Consuming Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, CDC Finds

According to CNN , “Children under 5 in the US are missing out on vital nutrition by drinking sugary drinks and passing up fruits and vegetables, a new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.” The findings  published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report …