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Oral Cancer Survivors Share How Dental Visits Saved Their Lives

Oral Cancer Survivors Share How Dental Visits Saved Their Lives

In an article for Dentistry IQ, Amber Young writes that at age 35 “my dentist saved my life,” explaining how having her dental team offer “a panoramic x-ray and an oral cancer screening” led to being diagnosed with clear cell odontogenic carcinoma, a rare and aggressive cancer. “I would not be here today to write this article or be a crusader against oral cancer had it not been for the thorough and wonderful dental team and dentist who took the time to offer an oral cancer screening” and “educate the patient on what is in their best interest (and why),” she writes.

WBTV-TV Charlotte, NC shares how a dental visit saved the life of Kirsten Price. After Kirsten noticed “a lump inside of her cheek,” her mom brought her to their family dentist, who advised she see an oral surgeon. Kirsten was diagnosed with oral cancer at age 12. She underwent surgery and is now fully recovered. The article stresses the importance of early detection, listing signs and symptoms of oral cancer not to ignore.

Does YOUR dentist provide annual oral cancer screenings? We do, and there’s no reason to see any dentist who does not. Oral cancer – although not one of the most prominent cancers – can be one of the most deadly ones, especially if not diagnosed and treated quickly.