Study ties e-cig use in young teens to heavier smoking later

A study published in Tobacco Control found that e-cigarette use among early adolescent smokers may lead to a heightened risk of heavier tobacco cigarette use later in adolescence. Researchers also noted that among teens who began smoking before age 15, the odds of later adolescent smoking were significantly higher for …

Vaping Can Have Similar Effect On Teeth As Cigarette Smoking

Health discusses the effects vaping may have on the teeth, featuring information from American Dental Association spokesperson Dr. Matthew Messina. Vaping adds “heat in the mouth,” Dr. Messina says, which “changes the bacterial presence in the mouth. It dries the mouth out.” Dr. Messina adds, “[The] rate of tooth decay …

Teen Develops Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Three Weeks After Beginning E-Cigarette Use

CNN reported that a case study published in the journal Pediatrics examined an 18-year-old Pennsylvanian woman who was diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis, “an inflammation of the lungs due to an allergic reaction to chemicals or dust,” three weeks after beginning to use an e-cigarette. The woman suffered respiratory failure, was placed on a …