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Researchers May Have Discovered Mechanism Connecting Periodontal Disease, Other Inflammatory Conditions

Researchers May Have Discovered Mechanism Connecting Periodontal Disease, Other Inflammatory Conditions

University of Toronto may have found “the mechanism of action” connecting “periodontal disease and certain inflammatory conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.” The researchers suggest the connection may be “rooted in a hyperactive immune response.” The findings were published in the Journal of Dental Research.

The University of Toronto (CAN) (10/15) stated the researchers, led by the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Dentistry, “focused on the behaviours of cells primarily activated by gum disease – neutrophils.” Through “in vivo models, the researchers found that the immune system releases an abundance of these neutrophils to tackle the bacterial infections responsible for periodontitis.” The article added, “Once periodontal inflammation was present, an overabundance of neutrophils circulated, ‘primed’ for attack,” and “the hyper-vigilant immune system then responds with an excess of force to any secondary infection.” The researchers then confirmed the findings “through a controlled clinical experiment.”