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Good News for Coffee Drinkers!

Good News for Coffee Drinkers!

Drinking coffee on a regular basis may protect against head and neck cancer, according to a report published in the July issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention.

Researchers pooled data from nine different studies of patients, comprising over 14,000 patients. They found that those who drink coffee regularly – four or more cups a day – had a 39 percent decreased risk of experiencing cancer of the oral cavity and throat.

The information about coffee drinkers who drink decaffeinated coffee were to sparse to make an analysis, but they did indicate no increased risk. Tea consumption was not associated with head and neck cancer risk.

This is quite interesting news, since head and neck cancer patients have a very low survival rate and because coffee is so widely available.

So should you start chugging coffee everyday? I’m not so sure, because there are other issues with 32+ ounces of coffee consumption to consider. However, at least for a change, there’s some good news! Now I think I’ll have a cup of coffee! Want to join me?